Book a Table
Galway Community Café is available to support individuals in person, through phone calls, video calls and also by offering Social Saturday groups. Please use the calendar below or call/text the café on 087 108 5134 to arrange a time for a chat.
Please note that this booking system is monitored from Thursdays to Sundays only.
If you cannot attend your appointment, that’s no problem.
We would ask that, if at all possible, you contact the café on 087 108 5134 to cancel so that we can make the slot available.
Social Saturdays
Social Saturdays are a space for individuals to engage in group activities. Activities range from recovery-orientated skills, board games, social space to meet others, and structured groups e.g. Hearing Voices Meetings and WRAP facilitation.
Social Saturdays run from 6.30 pm. Spaces are limited so be sure to book your space on our calendar (choose option Social Saturday).
Click here for more information and to check out our monthly calendar for upcoming groups and activities.
If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide or self-harm please call 999 or 112.
Alternatively, if you or someone you know are in immediate danger please attend A&E or contact your GP.
Our time slots are hourly, starting from 6.30 pm. If you are having issues with our calendar, have just missed a time slot, or our calendar is full, text or call the café on 087-1085134 and we’ll do our best to arrange a time with you that suits you for a chat!