Welcome to Galway Community Café
Galway Community Café is a free out-of-hours adult mental health cafe that provides peer support to people in a supportive non-clinical space.
Contact us by phone on 087 108 5134 or book a time with us!
Here’s a video to give you a glimpse into
Galway Community Café
What is the café and how can I get in touch?
The Galway Community Café is open to anyone over 18 years of age who may be experiencing mental health distress or looking for mental health support.
Whatever you are going through, our team of peer connectors will provide peer support during your cafe appointment.
You can Book a timeslot online and choose to avail of an in-person or phone call appointment or you can call us to arrange an appointment.
Please call the Galway Community Café on 087-1085134 with any queries; our team members will be happy to assist you.
Please note: this phone is monitored during cafe opening hours only. If you contact us on a day we are not open, please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Food for Thought
The Community Café is located in Mr. Waffle opposite the University Hospital Galway and is open Thursday – Sunday from:
- 6.15 pm – 11 pm
- (Last booking time is 10.30 pm)