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As human beings, as a country and as a world we are all missing the connections and routines we are familiar with and rely on for our well being. The implications of the restrictions on our day to day existence can feel overwhelming for all of us at  different times. Our human minds naturally have a bias towards negative thinking. Negative thoughts stick like velcro while positive ones slide off like a new teflon non stick coating. We can all find ourselves going over upsetting things and worrying about future things. Our pain is real and as humans we need other people to talk with and support us so we can interrupt the cycles of thinking that add to our suffering.

Yesterday is gone and it’s tale told

Today new seeds are growing.


One of the new seeds growing is the Community Cafe- a space to connect in a new way.  As a team we are here to listen to what is happening for you and support you to decide how best to meet the challenges you face or simply to have a moan about life, the universe and everything. We are all experts in our own lives and sometimes simply need a space to feel heard as we tell our story and make connections with our common humanity. One of the cafe’ areas of suffering at the minute is that we cannot throw the doors open wide and invite people in. We have found a way to hold the space until we can again meet face to face. Attend Anywhere is a virtual platform where you make an appointment with us as usual and click on a link in the email response. It is a way of still being here while keeping ourselves and each other safe. If you are looking at this website and wondering…. we invite you to check us out.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”- Rumi

P.S Rumi is not the only poet I enjoy -if you enjoy poetry too I invite you to click

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